Local Area Info
Below are some local area links with information on the local cities, county, local attractions, schools and more.
Local Government
Orange County Animal Care Services
Animal Care Services provides pet licensing and patrol services to 19 contract cities and all the unincorporated areas of the County. The Orange County Animal Care Center houses and provides medical care for impounded dogs, cats and exotic animals. Adoption services are also available.
Orange County Fire Authority
OCFA provides a variety of public services.
Regionally delivers fire, emergency medical, and rescue services from 60 fire stations.
Orange County Public Library
Orange County Public Library is a network of community libraries in your neighborhood or as near as your computer. We have 32 (soon to be 33) branches to provide a variety of services to residents throughout Orange County, CA.
San Francisco Home Page
Browse this S.F. website to view all the upcoming events in San Francisco. This site has online S.F.pay services, San Francisco city services, S. F. government TV, same sex marriage information, San Francisco elections, S.F. Legal, S.F. recreation, S.F. social services, S.F. taxes, San Francisco transportation and some much more.
San Mateo Co. - Daly City
This is the official website for Daly City. This site has several resources such as local news, new laws, city calendars, maps, and other area information for Daly City.
San Mateo County
Browse this website to view all the upcoming events in the County of San Mateo. This site gives you to view schools, job openings and other information only found through the County. You can also pay your traffic tickets and see different reports and awards for all the cities in San Mateo County.
County of Orange-Harbors, Beach & Parks
Resources and Development Management Department / Harbors, Beaches and Parks Division operates regional recreational facilities and manages historical and natural resources. These 37,000 acres of parkland and open space include regional and wilderness parks, nature preserves and recreational trails, historic sites, and harbors and beaches.
San Francisco Attractions
Through this website you can search and locate all the different attractions in San Francisco and the surrounding areas have to offer. Including flights, restaraunts, hotels, amusment parks, public parks, and other tourist attractions.
Local Weather